Today, with the beautiful weather as inspiration, I suggested to the kids that they may want to go play at the local community center on their playstructure. I gathered up my larger heavier Maple Bo Staff, and escorted them. As they were having fun, I did a really good 1 hour workout on the grass by the structure. There were no loud comments from passing vehicles because the play structure, and field is located far from busy traffic. It was SUCH a lovely day.. I've got to put a picture here of how beautiful the sky was... o.k.. there.
Now.. on with what I had achieved today.
Warm up ( I don't know the technical terms for the movements yet.):
Each sequence 20 times with each hand:
Twirl once
Twirl twice
Figure 8 in front
Over the shoulder outside.
Over the shoulder across.
Figure X in front.
Main effort: Again each sequence 20 times with each hand:
Tsuki waza: Done in Front stance ( Zenkutsu Dachi) both sides
Oroshi uchi
Age Uchi
Soto/Uchi Uchi Jodan
Soto/Uchi Uchi Chudan
Soto/Uchi Uchi Gedan ( In Gyaku Zenkutsu Dachi) Both sides
Poking with a swinging action upwards
Poking with a swinging action other shoulder
Poking with a Pool cue action upwards
Poking with a Pool cue action other shoulder
Poking with a Pool cue action downwards
Uke waza: Done in Front stance ( Zenkutsu Dachi)
Soto Uke
Uchi Uke
Jodan Uke both hands
Gedan Uke both hands
Turning X block inside
Turning X block outside
Chion Bo kata:
3 times slower speed, 3 times medium speed, 4 times full speed.
Heian Yondan experiment- 2 times
Warm down:
Each sequence 20 times with each hand:
Twirl once
Twirl twice
Figure 8 in front
Over the shoulder outside.
Over the shoulder across.
Figure X in front.
Twirl overhead holding end of staff both directions.
Double handed full bo downwards attacks.
Holding staff in both hands, raise above head, and lower in front.
My arms and shoulders are gently humming from the effort.. it's nice.
I feel good about most of my performance, but I've noticed that I'm weaker when it comes to the blocks. I need to get that solidity that I see in my Sensei's movements, and I think that will only come from building up the muscle strength to manipulate the Bo like that. This will come the more that I train.. I will be patient.
keep it up
Hey Mat.. Hi and welcome to my new blog! Thanks for the support!!
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