Monday, September 24, 2007

Trying something new


Tsuki No Kata 5 times
Pinan Sono San 5 times


I wanted to train my body to be more comfortable at turning, and hitting that Sanchin Stance. So I adapted the Kihon Sono Ichi, Ni, and San kata, and did them in Sanchin. At first, it was very halted, awkward, and slow, but by the fifth time things were working more smoothly.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mireille,

Couldn't find your email but just wanted to thankyou for making some helpful comments about the English in my Reflexology Blog


Mir said...

It was a joy to find your weblog, Evelyne, and another happiness to be of help. I'll keep visiting there to read and learn, and if I see anything that could be edited, I'll make you aware of it.

Thank you for the article on skin conditions. I appreciate the extra information. I have already started walking on the path of changing my diet habits to support the healing of my psoriasis. I'm sure that I will be able to gain many benefits as I learn more about reflexology.

Mathieu said...

Nice training alternative.
I've got to get that training in gear. I've been lazy. It shows a lot too.


Cheers to healing alternatives